who are we?

Stollers Organic dairy ltd.

The Scott and Charlene Stoller family have been farming their entire lives and transitioned to organic in 2001.  We formed an LLC in 2014 to transfer ownership and leadership to the children.  In addition to shipping organic milk to Organic Valley, we also offer custom weed zapping, tiling, welding and fabrication.  

Piece of homemade apple pie served with scoop of vanilla ice cream on plate on white table

Toby: The most unique character since Abe Lincoln!
Clark: Could sell refrigerators to Eskimos.
Warren: Welding Mastermind.
Scott: Family patriarch.

Brian: Micah's proud papa.
Doyle: Stereotypical first born. Enough said
Nelson: Man with a silver tongue.

Stollers Organic Dairy LTD.

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Our Custom

Weed zapping!

Call: (330) 988-8114

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our custom projects

From Welding And Fabricating


Weed Zapping And Tiling